
Manifesting something you really need is a difficult and tricky business. I would classify it as the advanced level of manifesting. It’s like the difference between practicing a shot in tennis when you are by yourself and you can take your time with it, repeating it again and again until ...

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For those of us who are interested in “weird” ideas like manifesting your physical reality using the power of your thoughts, it can sometimes seem like there’s hardly anyone else in the world that “gets it”.It’s so obvious to people like us that there’s an absolute correlation between the thoughts ...

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As you browse through the Manifesting Lab, I'm sure you will notice an underlying theme. That theme is that we live in an ordered, consistent and understandable Universe.And I think it will serve you well if you remember that theme whenever you are confronted with those who spread Fear, Uncertainty, ...

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A question that comes up sometimes is why should we need to use manifesting methods and techniques at all? Shouldn’t manifesting be a natural, automatic thing? Why do we have to put in any effort?I think these are all fair and valid points.And the truth is that if you did ...

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Why is it important that you don't get used to feeling good? There's nothing wrong with that, if you want to get used to feeling good and you don't really have any excitement from feeling good.But there is something I've noticed again and again, a little cycle that occurs. And ...

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Being right or feeling good?

Abraham have a wonderful set of three questions that get right to the heart of the matter as to why people have so much trouble with deliberate manifesting.Question 1Which do you prefer…Feeling Good or Feeling Bad?Most people answer Feeling Good.Question 2Which do you prefer…Being Right or Being Wrong?Most people answer Being Right.Now ...

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Why are positive thoughts so much stronger then negative ones?

To understand why positive thoughts are so much stronger than negative ones, I find it helpful to think of Big Guys and Little Guys…In the picture above, the Big Guy represents your Broader/Higher Self that is the accumulation of countless lifetimes of experience (i.e. focused thought) and the Little Guy represents the Physical Self in your current ...

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Praying and deliberate manifesting

How does praying fit in with deliberate manifesting?People will often pray for many days, weeks or months to achieve a result in their lives. And, sometimes, that works. Other times, it doesn’t work.What’s going on here?From a deliberate manifesting point of view, it might first appear that praying works because eventually people ...

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The Manifesting Power of Relief

Feeling the sensation of Relief is so fundamental to moving your vibration in the direction of manifesting what you want.But Relief itself is not, strictly speaking, an emotion.But that’s not just because it’s not on Abraham’s Emotional Guidance Scale.For example, Delight is not on the Emotional Guidance Scale (above) but I would still call it ...

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The Power of 17 Seconds

Abraham have a manifesting principle that seems incredible, even unbelievable, to many people when they first hear about it.They say that every 17 seconds, a thought you are focused upon builds in momentum (attractive power), but not in a linear way. Instead, it builds in an exponential way.Abraham say that…17 seconds ...

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Are Hollywood disaster movies creating world catastrophes?

When people first hear about the Law of Attraction which states that you get in life what you predominantly focus upon, they become concerned (obviously) about what they are focusing upon.And then, inevitably, they look at what they are watching on the TV and in the cinema.So the question often ...

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Vibrational airtime

You may not realize it but you have different emotional/vibrational setpoints for every topic you can give your attention to.Obviously, there will be some overlap between similar topics. For example, it is probably fairly likely that your vibrational setpoint on the emotional scale regarding red cars is going to be ...

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Can anyone develop superhuman abilities?

Does everyone have superhuman abilities, or can anyone develop them?From my point of view, the answer is absolutely, yes.But that answer comes with one condition… once we possess those abilities, we wouldn’t consider them to be superhuman, just human.It goes back to that idea about making the unusual just a normal ...

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How to do all those things that you keep putting off

If you are putting off doing things that you know would be good for you if you did them, here’s a powerful approach for “knocking out” all your blocks in one go.Force yourself to do the following (in one uninterrupted session)…Find yourself a time when you can be quiet and alone (perhaps ...

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The Simplest Manifesting Method In The World, Ever

You can’t think your way through manifesting methods, you must feel your way through them.All the methods exist anyway just to get you to feel better and if the method is not helping you achieve that, it’s basically wasting your time.I came across a nice variation of Abraham’s Placemat Process and thought it might ...

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The Ultimate Secret Manifesting Method

So here it is finally...the ultimate secret manifesting method to get anything you want in life...the big, big, big secret that no-one has ever told you about...the one that everyone has been hiding from you...all revealed in this exclusive not-to-be-missed video. ...

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Sometimes people will want to know where non-physical beings actually come from, as though they are living in some particular place and pop out every so often to answer questions from us humans.The problem with asking a question like this comes about from trying to overlay physical ideas upon a ...

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You cannot un-desire a desire

It might surprise you to know that you can never un-desire something once you’ve desired it. You can only release the resistance you had to wanting it.This is why when people finally give up chasing the thing they are after, it suddenly comes to them …and often very quickly.What they’ve ...

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abraham calibration method

This is a live demonstration of Abraham’s Calibration Process in action.Abraham have been hinting for some time at a gentler clean-up process which I guess we’ll have to call The Calibration Process since they don’t seem to have officially named it yet.I’ve been trying for some time to extract the step-by-step mechanics ...

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When manifestations happen that include other people, sometimes people wonder who was really responsible for it.The short answer is…everyone.The manifestation is your manifestation because it is in your reality - but it is also the manifestation of everyone else involved.There is an idea called Culmination Points that explains this concept.Instead of thinking ...

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I don’t claim that this is definitively the reason for the continued popularity of Christmas - I am merely presenting this to you as an idea that you may wish to consider, and one that you may never have given thought to before. After all, we have many festivals of ...

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A question that is often asked is how do psychic predictions and fortune-telling fit in with the Law of Attraction.It works like this…Imagine you and a friend are standing at the side of a busy road waiting for a taxi.The road is very long and stretches off into the distance, ...

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I’ve met many spiritual and religious people over the years - in real life, not just online - and it has always surprised me how there seems to be an implicit assumption that spirituality and religion are serious activities. I remember once some years ago, on a spiritual internet forum, mentioning in ...

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Looking for a mental workout that will boost your mind power?I’m going to suggest something that you may not have considered but, hopefully, after a bit of explanation, you’ll see the importance of it.It is, after all, pretty much what I do in all my spare time…and I’ve been doing ...

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If you feel that things are not “moving” for you in your life despite you having accumulated all this deliberate manifesting knowledge (and associated techniques), here is what I would do.Immediately Stop applying all methods/techniques…except this one, of course.Every morning soon after awakening (when your thoughts are not racing into habitual ...

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You will often find people who understand the Law of Attraction making backup plans because, while the Law is consistent for everyone, our dominant thoughts (beliefs) are unique to each of us.And you need to comply with what those unique personal beliefs are in order to “allow” your experience of what the ...

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Getting yourself to do something that you don't feel like doing is tough, isn't it?Some people who understand Law of Attraction principles will tell you that you should never make yourself do something that you don't feel like doing.Others who follow massive-physical-action philosophies will tell you that you should always ...

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woman excited about chocolate cake

What has chocolate cake got to do with deliberate manifesting and the Law of Attraction? Well, everything. And I'm about to explain why....So, really, who does not love chocolate cake? You might think that chocolate cake has nothing to do with manifesting, but it does. It goes right to the ...

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It's time for me to tell you some harsh truths about manifesting.You're not expecting that, were you?Perhaps you were expecting me instead to tell you how you could manifest everything in the next five minutes, or something like that - and then sell you a method to do it?Well, the ...

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The last time you went outside, did you walk or did you levitate above the ground?The last time you threw something into the air, did it come down again or did it just keep going, floating off into outer space?I'm willing to bet that you didn't manage to defy the ...

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I've honestly lost track of the number of people I've interacted with over the years who have expressed the idea (either directly or through implication) of being the single exception in the entire Universe to the Law of Attraction.Yes, in all of the vastness of the entire enormity of the ...

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This live webinar (hosted by Stingray) deals with questions and issues from the public regarding manifesting whatever you want into your life. Sit back and enjoy might even learn a thing or two about how the Law of Attraction really works 🙂 ...

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Sometimes you are feeling bad and you just don't know what to do to snap yourself out of it.If you try to think a happy thought immediately, your mind will instantly reject it - it's just too much of a vibrational jump to go straight to Happy when you are ...

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Being able to meditate brings numerous rewards, especially with deliberately manifesting your life.But if you are a newcomer, it can seem like a confusing, mysterious and pointless activity - especially if you don't understand how to do it properly.Here is some valuable guidance that will get you started on the ...

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If you've previously studied ideas about manifesting your physical reality using the power of your thoughts, you'll understand that we often block ourselves (consciously or non-consciously) from getting what we want.Our established behavior patterns prevent us from receiving our manifestations.This method, The Resistance Release Method, aims to set you free from ...

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Quite often, with these manifesting methods, it becomes important to get into the feeling of something. That's fine if you've had a similar experience before because you can just rekindle the memory of it.But what if you want to get into the feeling of something when you don't know what it ...

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The Vibrational Goal-Getting Method is the natural follow-up to:The 'Manifesting Box' Method andThe 'Focus Blocks' Method.Unlike those methods, this is an action-oriented approach to vibrational manifesting.I've decided to strip out as much explanation as possible and just give you the method as briefly as I feel I can without losing anything essential.Why ...

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The Fibonacci number sequence turns up again and again in nature, art, architecture, even the financial markets.It seems to underlie almost every facet of the way our physical reality is constructed.Could it apply also to human behavior patterns? I think it can, and in this article, I'll explain some of ...

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It is my view that The Focus Wheel Process (from Abraham-Hicks) is probably the most powerful deliberate focusing method that exists for changing your feeling (or vibrational offering) on a topic. I've been using them for nearly two decades and am still amazed at the effectiveness of them. If you ...

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The Manifesting Box Method works well when you are not too attached to the things you want, or you can forget about them for a while.But often that is not the case.Sometimes you just can't let go enough of what you want to allow it to come to you.In those cases, ...

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I thought I might take this opportunity to throw out one of my more advanced methods for anyone that is already at the stage of fairly easily and steadily manifesting what they want.With this method, we start aiming towards the Holy Grail of manifesting..."manifesting on demand".I'm still clarifying my ideas about this ...

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Strange, isn't it?You want to make something positive happen, but it seems so hard and you really have to force it. But when something negative happens, it seems to happen almost by itself.Why does this strange imbalance exist where the negative is so powerful in comparison to the positive?The reason ...

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If something you want isn't manifesting even if you move your feeling about what you want into a better place then this is an indication that there is a limiting belief in the way of it coming - and you haven't identified what that limiting belief (or beliefs) is yet.In ...

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One thing I've heard repeatedly over the years from people I've interacted with is that they want to become less sensitive.That usually means less sensitive to the opinions and behaviors of others. People who are drawn to reality creation ideas are often quite naturally sensitive to their own thoughts and feelings, ...

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One of my favorite Zen sayings goes something like...Before enlightenment, I chopped wood and carried water.After enlightenment, I chopped wood and carried water.Really, I think that quote should be altered to...Before enlightenment, I chopped wood and carried water.During enlightenment, I didn't want to get out of bed to chop/carry anythingAfter ...

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My life is completely meaningless? Huh?What are you saying here, Stingray dude?!I thought this blog was supposed to be a positive and uplifting place. Why an article on this dark, depressing thought? What's going on???Don't worry. I think you misunderstood something fundamental about life, that's all. Many people do :)What ...

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It's an interesting question.And, in my opinion, it comes down to a combination of resistance (restricting beliefs) and desire...both of which (for most people) tend to increase as they get older.When you have just incarnated, you are closer to the Source from which you came. You have built up little resistance in your life ...

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Yes, it can be overwhelming to get started with all this stuff about Law of Attraction, Reality Creation and Manifesting.The ideas seem so simple, yet there's also a lot of subtleties involved that can trip you up if you are not paying attention.It's understandable if you're feeling confused and uncertain ...

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The idea does get floated around from time to time that life should not be difficult...probably by people like me :)But, in my case at least, I certainly would never say that life shouldn't be challenging.I live a general lifestyle that many materially-focused outsiders would consider unstable, insecure, risky and probably a bit ...

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Wouldn't it be great to feel "infinite intelligence" flowing strongly through you?Rather than life feeling like a boring intellectual exercise in daily survival, wouldn't it be great to really feel like you are a powerful force in the Universe - like you are really making a difference?One approach I've evolved ...

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For some years, I've almost been living my life by an Abraham quote.Whenever I'm deciding what to do next in my day, I think about the quote.Whenever I'm thinking about whether I'm doing the right thing right now, I think about the quote.Whenever I'm doing nothing at all, but feeling ...

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Probably when you were younger, you were passionate about many things in your life.But somehow as the years have gone by, you've lost those interests - perhaps you've even become disinterested in life itself?Every day just seems boring and lifeless.So how can you rekindle your earlier passions?Firstly, a quote from ...

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It is sometimes shocking to people when they first realize what the limits to manifesting really are.And that's because there are none :)The rule of thumb concerning manifestational limits is this...If you can imagine it, you can manifest it.Yes, that might at first seem shocking or outrageous but if you ...

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Ever wished you could take the shortcut in developing the powers of genius-ness?Here's a method that might help you.It's quick, easy and effective - so you've nothing to lose by giving it a try.The "Genius" methodStand up somewhere alone and with a clear space in front of you.Think of someone ...

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With any form of dis-harmony or dis-ease, you'll go through peaks and troughs with it.Sometimes you'll feel too lousy to even think while other times you'll feel considerably better.The time to do vibrational work is in those times when you are feeling considerably better.During the troughs, just let them pass in their own ...

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I lived alone for many, many years. And during a lot of that time I didn't want to live alone...which is probably the worst kind of "living alone" you can do. :)One of the things that worked for me in dispelling feelings of loneliness was simply to get out into nature and just be. ...

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What do you do when someone else blames you for their problems?Even worse, what if it's someone you live with, so that it's difficult to get away from the emotional turmoil they inflict on you?As hard as it can be to hear in the midst of a blaming session, it's never about ...

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You're reading this because you want some inspiring Law of Attraction success stories?Admit it, that's the reason can't get away with lying to me, you know.Okay then, I'll give you some manifesting success stories but, as is usually the case on this website, there's a twist.Yes, it can be ...

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There's a tendency to think that if you are trying to manifest something, you must be "hyped up" about it.It's as though you must be so excited by it that you can hardly wait for it to come.That kind of attitude implies that there's some kind of "power of excitement" ...

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Meditation has become so mainstream now that you often come across celebrities who talk openly about doing it.Contrast that with, say, 40 years ago when it was considered so weird and wacky that you dare not risk mentioning in public that you engage in such an activity ...I speak from ...

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The question sometimes arises as to when to take action in relation to something you are trying to manifest.In other words, what's the difference between an inspired action and a random fleeting thought about whether to do something or not?My own personal rule for when to take action comes from ...

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Here is my favorite poem, Ithaca.If you take the time to read it and ponder it, you might understand why I like it so much, and why it is on this website that is focused on physically manifesting whatever you want in life.IthacaAs you set out to Ithacahope the voyage ...

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It's a frustrating situation, isn't it? ...when what you want just doesn't seem to manifest.I've been there many times and have had to learn this one the hard way.If you've already been applying manifesting techniques systematically then you've probably already got a fair amount of experience with manifesting so I'll ...

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It's a question that comes up again and again. Why do bad things happen you're feeling positive?Or sometimes the question comes up the other way around, why do good things happen when you're feeling bad?It seems like this operates in the exact opposite way that the Law of Attraction is ...

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I was watching the movie Batman Begins the other day. I wasn't watching it for any particular reason, it just happened to be on the TV, my wife said she hadn't seen it, and I had some free time.There was a quote in the movie that struck me as particularly meaningful ...

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When people first start investigating Law of Attraction ideas, they often make the mistake of thinking that whatever topic they think about is what the Universe is responding to.For example, if they think about a big house then the Universe will start manifesting big houses into their life.Actually, it's not ...

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It's only natural. You've done all the "vibrational work" you think you need to do to get what you want.But where is it? When is it going to come?What are the requirements for attracting what you want into your life as quickly as possible?Just in even thinking about that, do ...

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This is probably going to be one of my more mind-stretching postings - so you have been warned :)Here's my one line answer to the question, just so you know where I'm going with this.Yes, it is possible to live indefinitely in this physical body - and this is how you ...

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It's confusing, isn't it? Some Law of Attraction gurus tell you that you must focus on what you want to manifest it (perhaps even every day) while others tell you that too much focus will block what you want from coming and so you should forget about it?Which is it? ...

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Let's say you want to manifest something in a hurry, perhaps a part-time job because you need some money quickly and that's how you believe you are going to get it.Manifesting things you need can be tricky because of the behind-the-scenes pressures you are exerting on yourself.But let's try and ...

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