The Vibrational Goal-Getting Method is the natural follow-up to:
Unlike those methods, this is an action-oriented approach to vibrational manifesting.
I've decided to strip out as much explanation as possible and just give you the method as briefly as I feel I can without losing anything essential.
Why do we need yet another method?
The Manifesting Box Method and The Focus Blocks Method are both focused around changing the way you feel while not doing much, if anything, physically. Both of those methods are highly effective in getting what you want...I used them previously myself for years before posting them on this website, and I still use them.
Just because this is the third main method doesn't mean it is better or more effective than the others. It just means that I thought another one was necessary to fill a gap.
Vibrational Goal-Getting approaches manifesting from the point of view of taking physical action first.
Because so many of us are conditioned to take lots of physical action these days, I suspect that many people will find this method will be the easiest one so far to apply and stick with.
Vibrational Goal-Getting is a method for taking physical action with the intention of using that action to change how you feel about what you want and then, from that improved feeling-place, taking further inspired action.
All the manifesting methods so far have the common element of guiding you towards a state of being that is in vibrational alignment with what you want to do, be or have.
Right now in human history, we live in a world that is highly action-oriented. It's a world where success gurus constantly tell us that 'You must take MASSIVE ACTION towards your goals NOW otherwise you will fail!'
It's a world where life/time management methods have become big business as people search desperately for ways to cope with information overload.
That feeling of information overload is detrimental to many people. It causes people's attentions to be continually scattered onto many different topics in short spaces of time.
And this continual shifting of focus results in people feeling uncertain and overwhelmed in their can feel like there is no stability in life any more. It's like we are running faster and faster just to stand still.
And those discordant emotions attract further manifestations of those emotions and so our lives seem to be getting busier and busier and more and more overwhelming while the workload seems to be getting greater and greater.
Vibrational Goal-Getting is a suggested approach for bringing some stability of long-term focus back into our lives.
As you will see if you apply the method (and it is very easy to apply), regardless of how busy your everyday life is, you will still have a feeling of gradually molding your life towards your long term goals...and you will be keeping yourself in the perfect mental state to allow the universal forces to help you in often unexpected ways.
Over time, this approach will start to make you feel like you are getting somewhere.
However, the changes that Vibrational Goal-Getting will bring into your life will seem so slow and gentle that you might be thinking that they will have little impact. Right?
Just like dripping water can gradually wear away the hardest stone, the daily drip-drip effect of consistent and good-feeling focus on a project is extremely powerful.
Major permanent life changes rarely happen overnight because habits of thought rarely change quickly. The annual ritual of making New Years Resolutions is a prime example of trying to force this kind of dramatic change. And, as many discover year after year, it's not a particularly effective approach 🙂
Vibrational Goal-Getting will keep you heading in the right direction gradually and easily and permanently.
Inspirations and influences
This method is mainly a systematic adaptation of Abraham's Debt Reduction Process, mentioned in the book Ask & It Is Given. But it also contains elements of Mark Forster's AutoFocus Time Management Systems, Mark Joyner's Simple-ology and my own experiments with Fibonacci-based habit creation
Method instructions
I think the quickest and easiest way to explain Vibrational Goal-Getting to you is to run through an example.
For this example, let's assume we want a new job.
Step 1 - Choose your goal
Just write down (on paper, or on a computer - it doesn't matter what you use) a brief statement of what you want.
Unlike traditional goal-setting, your goal doesn't need to be specific, detailed, have a deadline, or any of that other stuff that the goal gurus tell you needs to be done.
A simple title and one line statement as shown above is sufficient.
Through your living of life, the universe already knows exactly what you want (even if you don't). See the opening instructions of The Manifesting Box Method for more information about this.
The title and statement are only for your benefit so it reminds you of what you should be focusing on for this goal.
A good idea would be to make the statement an affirmation of what your ultimate goal is and you can reread this affirmation before starting any task for this goal.
Step 2 - Create your backwards plan
Starting from your goal, imagine you have just achieved it. Now write down what you must have just done in order to have achieved it.
In our example, for us to have just got a new job, we must have just accepted a job offer, so the step we must have just completed was Accept the job offer.
Note that we only list steps that we can do, not actions that are up to others. We are only interested in doing actions that what we can control.
Now look at the step you have just written down and take a moment to imagine you have just completed it.
Ask yourself what you must have just done in order to have reached that step. Then write down this new previous step.
So, in our example, we imagine that we are just now in the step of Accept job offer and the step that we completed in order to get there was Prepare for job interviews.
But surely the step before that was Go to job interview?
Yes, it was. However, you cannot control when you get a job interview to go to. Remember that we are only concentrating on actions that we can control. And the only real action we can do before someone else offers us a job interview to go to is Prepare for job interview. (Yes, I know there are other possible steps we could do but we're keeping it simple here)
Now, in the same way, keep writing the previous step to the one you have just reached until you come all the way back to the present moment.
What you have just done is create a step-by-step plan for achieving your goal.
The example shown above is very simplified just to keep this explanation easy to understand. Your own plan may have many, many steps.
Now that you've got your plan, by looking at the last line (at the bottom of the list) you can see what the first physical step is that you need to take to reach your goal.
There may be many physical actions that need to be taken within that step but that step is your first objective to complete to reach your's like a mini-goal within your larger goal.
This backwards plan is actually a complete list of everything you believe you need to do to attain this goal. It doesn't mean that you will actually have to do all the steps in the plan (we are going to engage universal forces to help us, remember?) but it is a detailed map of your beliefs regarding this goal.
Step 3 - Create your goal tracking sheet
Now take all these steps and put them in a columnar format as shown below. Start from the last step before achieving your goal in the left hand column down to the first action step in the most right hand column.
You can use paper or a computer spreadsheet or any other tool you like.
Eventually you will end up with something like this...
Notice that we have some dates down the left-hand side of the pad. Start these dates from today.
You can fill out the dates to many days into the future if you want, but we really only need today's date to be put there every day.
Step 4 - Every day take some physical action towards your goal
Every day from now on, yes every day, you are going to take a bit of physical action towards your goal. Once you have done this physical action, you can put a mark in the column of the goal step you worked towards.
After you've taken your action for today, you can relax and forget about this goal if you want. The key is that you must have taken enough action to feel that you have made a bit of progress, even a tiny, tiny bit of progress.
A good starting point might be to agree with yourself that the minimum action you are going to take towards your goal is five minutes of physical effort. In other words, you are going to spend just five minutes today doing whatever actions are necessary to move you towards accomplishing this goal step (this mini-goal).
Sometimes your goal steps will require habit-creation. For example, say you want to eventually create a habit to run a certain distance everyday as part of your goal. In this case, agree with yourself that doing something, say running for five minutes or perhaps running for a fraction of the full distance, towards that habit is the minimum action. Over time, you will feel like doing more and more towards that habit until you are doing the full habitual behavior daily. Obviously, if the habit you want to create is easy to do, just do the whole thing and choose that as your minimum required action even if it takes more or less than five minutes.
NOTE: For a habit-creation goal step, you only consider it complete when the habit is completely feels to you like it is easy/effortless to do
So that's your daily physical action - just do the minimum required to be able to reward yourself with a mark on the chart.
Some days you may feel like doing the absolute minimum while other days you might be in a highly enthusiastic unstoppable mood to get your task done and you feel like you just want to keep going and going with it.
In that case, allow yourself to go past the minimum and and just keep going until you finally feel you've had enough.
Over time, you may even find that you actually enjoy taking this extra inspired action towards your goal.
If you do extra work in one session (i.e. beyond the minimum five minutes), still only put one mark in the column daily.
However, if later in the same day, you feel like you want to start the task again and do another minimum (or more), you can give yourself an extra mark in the column to track that and reward yourself. Starting to take an action is often the hardest part of it, and you should reward yourself every time you start again.
On Tuesday and Thursday in this example, the Find employers I like task was done multiple times in one day so there are multiple completion marks on those days.
And note something else here: You are also allowed to work towards other later action steps in your goal plan as well if you feel inspired to do so. In the example shown, on Tuesday and Thursday, action was also taken towards Send off my resume to employers I like
On days when inspiration comes, let yourself go with it and enjoy doing that inspired action.
On other days, just do the minimum and still feel good that your goal is progressing.
The key point here is that the minimum must be easy enough to do in your life so that you are willing to do it even if today is the busiest, most chaotic, unpredictable day, you have ever lived.
Allow yourself to win every day!
As you put the completion mark on the tracking chart, just take a moment and think how good it feels that you are making progress, and how it all feels so easy to do.
This Feeling Good step is very important
You are not taking these actions to get the task done. You are doing them to feel better about your goal.
This idea will sound absurd to traditional goal-setters who believe brute-force physical action is required to achieve goals.
But by allowing yourself to feel good about your goal daily, you are engaging powerful universal forces that will not only inspire you to do the physical actions that are required, so they will feel effortless to you, but those forces (the Law of Attraction) will often complete many of the action steps for you on your behalf!
But be patient. In the examples shown, the steps are being completed quickly over a few days just to illustrate the point.
In your case, it may take many, many days before you complete any particular goal step (column). And it may not be until you have completed a few goal steps (columns) that the acceleration of the manifestation of your goal really starts to become noticeable.
But every day will you be aligning more and more with your goal and thereby creating a fertile environment for universal forces to step in and manifest your goal more quickly, often in unexpected ways.
As you can see in the above picture, once you have completed working on a goal step (like Find employers I like), you then start focusing daily on the next adjacent goal step on the left.
So, in the example, from Friday 3 September onwards, the Send off my resume to employers I like is the next goal step to apply the daily minimum action towards.
As time goes on, your goal tracking chart may get quite long and complicated-looking...
...but you will get a definite feeling from it that you are making progress towards your goal.
And you will find yourself feeling eager not to leave any blank lines in the chart (from missing a day) so that will help motivate you further towards doing your daily minimum required action.
If you can make this process into a bit of a daily game, you are putting yourself in the perfect attitude of mind to manifest your goal quickly and easily.
What about multiple goals?
The example shown above is just for one goal.
If you are like most people, there are probably more, perhaps many, goals in your life that you want to achieve.
You may be tempted to create a goal plan for each one immediately and do the actions towards all of them daily.
Don't do that!
You will overwhelm yourself with too many daily actions (even though each may be easy to do) and once your initial surge of enthusiasm for this method wears off, you will start to resent having to do this process at all, and you'll give up.
The key to this process is that it feels like a game and it's easy to win.
Some suggested rules to this game...
- If you have multiple goals then when you start this system for the first time, I recommend you choose your three most important goals and only create plans for those to work on daily.
- Every seven days, you are then allowed to add one more goal into the system if you are progressing steadily with the others.
- If, at any time, you find yourself unable to complete the minimum action required towards any goal, you have to wait at least another seven days (with successful daily completions for all your existing goals) before you can add another goal into the system. If you feel that limiting yourself to so few goals initially is not enough daily physical action for you, remember there is nothing to stop you doing lots of extra work on any existing, active goal.
- If you achieve any goal, you can immediately replace that completed goal with another new goal in your system, if you wish to.
- You can stop or start a goal whenever you wish. So you can replace any active goal with another new goal.
- You can abandon any goal any time you want. You may often find, as the goal starts to manifest, that what you thought you wanted is not really what you wanted after all. Just create a new plan for your new goal.
The key is to feel like you are winning daily - that you are keeping your promises to that is why it is important to keep the number of required minimum actions to an easily manageable number.
Remember that these goal plans are not bringing about your goal, it is your feeling better and less scattered in your focus that is allowing these goals to come to you.
Final thoughts
This method of achieving goals is completely counter to those traditional goal-setting approaches where you push yourself hard to take physical actions even when you don't feel like it.
Taking action when you don't feel like it does not fully engage The Law of Attraction. Hard, uninspired action is painful work, and eventually, you end up resenting all the hard work. And, if you're like the vast majority of people, your goals just fall by the wayside as you drift back to your frantic, focus-scattered existence.
You wouldn't be reading this method now if you didn't honestly want an easier way, would you? 🙂
I'm suggesting something different here to normal goal-setters.
I'm suggesting you make it easy for yourself to rack up wins everyday. And, because of that, you'll feel like this is fun rather than a chore and you'll feel like you want to play this strange little game of rewarding yourself for taking little bits of action.
Again, I cannot stress enough that the actions that you are taking (and believe you need to take) are not necessarily going to manifest your goal, it's your improved feeling that will manifest it.
And once you see how powerfully universal forces respond to specific, allowing focus, you won't need any more convincing that how you feel is far, far more important than what you do.
A word of warning
While you should make it easy to let yourself win and feel good about your goal, don't try and fool this process by doing nothing at all...your existing beliefs about this goal won't allow you to get away with that.
If you already believed you had to do nothing at all to get this goal, you wouldn't have been able to create a goal plan with any steps in it, would you?
So you do have some beliefs already in place about the action required to manifest this goal, don't you?
This method is about aligning your actions with those beliefs.
So make the effort to actually do the minimum required action daily. If you're doing it right, it should be quick and easy to do anyway even when you don't feel like doing it.
Consistency is important here.
If you let yourself win everyday while doing enough physical action to make yourself feel like you are making at least a little progress, you are taking huge vibrational steps forward towards manifesting what you want.
Be gentle and kind to yourself. Isn't this process about as easy as it gets? There's no need to make it any harder than it is.
Just let your goals unfold naturally...and, above all else, have fun along the way!