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Learn to manifest
Below are hundreds of hours of video training that will teach you how to manifest your desires into your physical reality using the power of your mind.
Deliberate Manifesting Video Courses
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Important announcement regarding the Manifesting Lab
• Automatic manifesting with the Virtual Vortex
• Manifesting beyond what others think is possible
• Disconnecting from the rest of the world
• The absence trap
• Finding your own unique way to alignment
• Only push desires that you feel absolute presence about
• Emotional vs physical manifestations
In this interview, Pompatomp shares his secrets for applying the Manifesting Lab methods to regularly make about a quarter of his desires manifest by themselves, and the rest feel easy - all with the systematic help of a well-stocked Virtual Vortex (currently 130 desires and 1,300 Vortex Specifics).
He talks in detail about how he transformed himself from being a Massive Action Discipline (MAD) devotee, spending years doing vibrational cleanups, to now allowing his life to effortlessly unfold with enjoyment and fun. And he shares his personal tips for deliberate manifesters at all stages in their journey.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• How to live an infinitely-long life
• There is no such thing as a coincidence
• The seven year cycle
• Using techniques of dark influence
• Vibrational meetings
• Passing vibrational tests
• Clattering in relationships
• Aligned individuals have more power than large disconnected groups
This is a public Q&A webinar held at the start of 2022 for the old Deliberate Manifesting website. That site was later merged into the Manifesting Lab but the webinar was never uploaded here, until now. Topics covered in this public webinar include:
• When I try to manifest something, it seems to go further away
• Something is blocking me manifesting my desires
• The 45 Second Method can be used for anything
• Live demonstration of clearing resistance
• Dealing with shyness
• Explanation of emotion overlays
• Why do we choose to go through bad experiences?
• Should you visualize yourself with the thing, or just the thing?
In the second of this series of interviews with people who've transformed their lives with deliberate manifesting, Amoo describes the ups and downs of her eventful life and how understanding Law of Attraction principles made all the difference.
From the Hotseat Webinar conversation that stopped her ending her own life to the secrets of manifesting with a "letting go" approach, she talks candidly about what has worked for her and what hasn't.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Can you manifest without feeling good?
• Can bad people manifest what they want?
• Artificial Intelligence in the Manifesting Lab
• What does it mean when you get bored of your desire?
• Don't throw vibrational jargon at others
• Does resistance increase with age?
• Manifesting a new job
• De-manifesting
In the first of a series of interviews with people who've transformed their lives with deliberate manifesting, Diamond describes how he went from extreme debt on the verge of being homeless to (among other things) a life of wealth and abundance, marrying his perfect partner, becoming a top salesperson while hardly trying, and living in his dream home.
And all of this just by applying Manifesting Lab principles and ideas.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Why to-do lists wreck people's lives
• How miracles manifest
• The simple easy way to manifest what you want
• A few minutes of daily feeling-good is dramatically life-changing
• Netflix and timelines
• The entire Manifesting Lab approach is simple and logical
• Handling people who push you over the edge
• The Vortex Frequency will fix all your problems
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• A quick review of manifesting the impossible
• Using artificial intelligence to enhance your Virtual Vortex
• Forcing your physical reality to manifest what you want
• Why there isn't just one manifesting method that always works
• Your vibrational strategy may have to change from day to day
• Accepting where you are in life
• Writing vs typing for vibrational work
• Getting ChatGPT to create a Focus Wheel/Block
This webinar will turn you into a Law of Attraction reality creation hero in just 90 minutes even if you currently know virtually nothing about the principles of deliberate manifesting.
Oh, and you'll also improve your skill in driving yellow school buses along desert highways.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Am I wrong to manifest only selfish desires?
• The vibrational shield effect
• Really urgent desires
• Trading the financial markets
• Why do people squelch their desires?
• Questions about the Impossible Manifestation System
• Too good to be true
• Do you put all your vibrational matches into your Virtual Vortex?
Do you quickly get your feeling-good alignments done so you can then move on with more important things for the rest of the day? If so, you've got a basic misunderstanding going on.
Your entire life is vibrational work. You might just not be integrating it smoothly into your daily activities. This webinar shows you how to do it. If you use a to-do list at all, you need to watch this now.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• How I finally managed to make manifesting work for me
• I'd like to let people know that this stuff works
• If I can do it, anybody can do it
• From thoughts of suicide to joyful success
• The aligning power of reading books
• The Manifesting Lab teachings now make sense
• What advice would you give to those who are struggling?
• To allow the manifestation, think the thought and then forget about it
This advanced-level webinar introduces The Impossible Manifestation System - a robust and repeatable approach for (obviously) manifesting the impossible. And it will bring you those manifestations as fast as possible, as easily as possible, with as little physical 'effort' as possible, for any manifestation you want, for the rest of your life.
And if all that wasn't enough for one webinar, you'll learn a few things about soap bubbles and bad driving.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• The secret power of the breath
• Magnetizing water
• The hidden history of Earth
• Is the Apple Vision Pro leading to The Matrix?
• Abraham vs The Ninth Dimensional Pleiadian Collective vs Bashar
• Holding the breath
• Sleep with the window open
• More on the Vibrational Survival Kit
These days, it's so easy to fall off from engaging with your empowering vibrational routines and habits. But missing a few days can quickly snowball into missing several days, then weeks, then months, then eventually giving up completely with deliberate manifesting.
This webinar provides practical advice on how to get started again when you fall off. And it equips you with a vibrational survival kit that will help you quickly bounce back to where you were.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• The easiest, laziest way to manifest everything
• Using a bubble reality to overwrite current reality
• Invincibility Wheel success stories
• Aging, celebrities and plastic surgery
• A clever little method for neutralizing resistance to a desire
• Does Big Pharma really want you to be healthy?
• What can cause the 45 Second Method to fail?
• You don't learn deliberate manifesting when things are going well
Wouldn't it be nice to have your own personal magic genie that could grant you any wish that you wanted?
Well, the truth is that you do already have one. And while it doesn't usually materialize wishes on demand, it can grant you detailed, insightful and helpful answers to any question on your mind - and it can do it immediately, any time you feel like it, forever. This webinar shows you how to tap into this infinite intelligence.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• A bad-feeling TV series can make you ill
• What physical illness really is
• The easy elegant way to become well again
• What the Manifesting Lab is really about
• The terminal illness of Jerry Hicks
• You cannot judge someone who is ill
• How Jerry and Esther Hicks manifested Abraham
• You cannot be a sloppy thinker with fast-flowing energy
Learn how to use The Invincibility Wheel. This is a new powerful, yet simple, Manifesting Lab vibrational tool that will help you become invincible in all areas of your life.
The wheel can also be used to tackle large projects, reach goals and build new behaviors. All of this happens easily and naturally with just a minute or two of focused thought each morning.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Negative manifestations because of previous webinar
• Distraction methods vs clean-up methods
• Do you need to know why you feel bad?
• Despite years of trying, more than ever stuck and overwhelmed
• Seven deadly sins
• Preparing for the 45 Second Method
• EFT results review
• Summarizing the blocking issue
In this spontaneous webinar, Stingray authentically demonstrates how the Virtual Vortex can be used to generate strong vibrational alignments within minutes.
Along the way, there's a tour of the Ultimate Manifesting Framework with plenty of tips and tricks for implementing the powerful Manifesting Lab methods in your own life to get what you want.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Giving an interview while hurtling to your death
• Summary of the five levels of deliberate manifesting
• Tom Cruise vs Johnny Depp
• The power of sound vibrations
• Things can go wrong quickly without alignment
• There's never been a better time to learn Law of Attraction manifesting
• I knew grandfather was going to die
• Information overload from the new Manifesting Lab ideas
Discover the next exciting evolution of the leading-edge Virtual Vortex manifesting approach.
This advanced-level webinar pushes all your existing Manifesting Lab deliberate manifesting skills to new heights and makes it fun, even thrilling, to consciously guide your desires to materialize into physical reality. As a byproduct, the principles demonstrated also lead those desires to manifest as fast as they possibly can.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Being selfish benefits everyone
• A systematic three-pronged approach to molding desires
• All your lives are happening now
• Using past experiences to manifest the future
• Collective agreements and the Law of Attraction
• Streams of consciousness
• Manifesting something you have never experienced before
• Abraham and mass consciousness
This advanced-level webinar is a live demonstration of arguably the most powerful systematic deliberate manifesting tool ever created: The Virtual Vortex.
It also shows off the latest addition to the Virtual Vortex methods, the Power Clean process, which makes it possible to dramatically speed up the physical manifestation of "big" or "difficult" desires.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• The simple way to manifest your goals & desires
• The big secret of dealing with people
• How do you prevent yourself slipping back into bad feelings?
• The best strategy for changing the world
• Comparing all the Avalanche Processes
• Does desiring to uplift others make your own life worse?
• What to tell people who want to know where your manifestation is?
• What is stopping you feeling good?
There are five different levels of deliberate manifester. Understanding which one you are is the key to unlocking your powerful manifesting abilities, and improving them further.
This webinar explains how to identify and handle each level, how the Manifesting Lab fits into the big picture, and whether you are entitled to proudly walk around naked in public followed by a line of monkeys.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• A few minutes of 'magic' changes your entire life
• The magic wand of unlimited money
• Is Avalanche 3 only for new behaviors?
• Fear of lack of money
• How long before vibrational matches happen?
• What is your favorite manifesting book?
• Tao Te Ching and manifesting
• Vibrational Nudging and The 17 Second Life
Learn how to get your self-control back. This groundbreaking webinar reveals the powerful Physical Self Control System (Avalanche 3) for steadily and easily building positive empowering behaviors/habits while simultaneously wiping out bad ones.
It also shows you how to 'naturally' manifest your goals, and why your brain appears to be made of soft plastic.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• The fastest way to manifest your stuff
• The enlightened goal-setting system
• An empty-mind lifestyle
• Emotional manifesting
• Asking and receiving
• Communicating with the Higher Mind
• Receiving your own higher answers
• The art of planning lightly
Why do you keep doing things that sabotage your positive efforts? Why are you still inconsistent with your vibrational work even when you know it will transform your life?
If you still cannot understand why you keep behaving in these self-defeating ways, then this webinar is for you. Discover how your own 'human animal' could be working against you - and learn what to do about it. More importantly, find out the real reason why coffeehouses and shopping malls are taking over the world
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• The energies of the last two years
• Life is unfair to me
• How to demanifest a problem
• The easiest way to stay aligned during these times
• Unable to relate to larger sums of money
• Where we get our concept of 'evil'
• The powerful global river of thought
• It doesn't matter what the rest of the world is doing
Are superhero movies based on truth? Is it really possible to develop superhuman powers?
This webinar explains that not only is it possible, but it reveals the exact methods you can use to get started. You'll also discover your all-seeing third eye, your body's natural electrical fields, and how to master playing the guitar.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Everybody is finding these times tough
• Why people can't manifest despite feeling good
• The way to avoid problems forever
• How often should you use Focus Blocks each day?
• Guardian angels
• Manifesting things that you don't own
• Getting out of miserable relationships
• Celebrities who don't feel good enough
Discover the art of materializing your desires 'automatically'. This webinar will show you how an understanding of the Vortex Frequency together with the principles of universal resonance is the key to deliberate manifesting.
And it will demonstrate how the powerful Focus Blocks Manifesting System can help you easily and quickly stay aligned with that magical frequency throughout the day. Oh, and it will help you live forever too.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• When are you trying too hard in manifesting?
• What part of us continues over lifetimes?
• Creating miracles
• Aligned manifesting
• You will always get your stuff from the Higher Self
• Your deliberate manifesting team
• Agents of Source
• All your lifetimes are happening right now
It's better to go backwards instead of forwards, as you will discover in this powerful webinar on positive persuasion. You will learn how to systematically and permanently change the beliefs of others so that they naturally do what's best for them while, at the same time, doing what's best for you.
And you'll also learn the art of towing broken-down cars.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• The easy way of changing limiting beliefs
• The Focus Blocks Method
• Cheat codes
• Slow deaths and corroded energy pipes
• Being unlimited is boring
• What causes emotional-change methods to fail
• Not ready for the impossible
• How does the Universe know what you really want?
D-Beam is a powerful manifesting 'technology' that will help you bypass the tricks that limiting beliefs use, and get right to the heart of what's blocking you getting what you want.
If you are still struggling to manifest your desires despite steady vibrational work, D-Beam can show you what's in the way. For maximum effect, be sure to clean your video display screen thoroughly before watching this webinar.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Avalanche 2 questions
• Reality creation 101
• Is vibrational work an action?
• Vortex alignment vs missing emotions
• Making requests to heal other people
• You don't get something for nothing
• The excitement override cycle
• Doubt and deserving
This advanced-level webinar teaches you how to manifest anything you want - effortlessly - forever. It introduces you to the Avalanche 2 Process that builds upon ideas from the Systematic Manifesting webinar.
Along the way, you’ll learn why you should always turn up for work, the time management power of Swiss Cheese, and how to become better at gardening.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Avalanche Process: Big desire is on the verge of manifesting
• Manifesting a car while in debt
• Minimum requirements for living forever
• Can we control the timing of manifestations?
• Avalanche Process Part 2
• There's nothing magical about deliberate manifesting
• The most fulfilling, satisfying thing you can do with your life
• Embrace change, or change will embrace you
This sequel to the Vibrational Health webinar is packed full of helpful ideas, tips and tricks for improving your physical body condition and maintaining peak levels.
It explains the reasoning behind the Manifesting Lab's Physical Body forum category and how your existing "limiting" beliefs about your body can be quite valuable when used in the right way.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Recap of the Basic Emotion Overlay, Advanced Emotion Overlay and Inspired Action Chicken processes
• The words you use don't matter
• Instant manifestation
• Grounding
• Goal setting
• All of deliberate manifesting summarized
• The project plan
• QED and missing emotions
Want the easiest, laziest, no-effort way to start yourself on the path to deliberate manifesting? Then you need Focus Statements.
You will see Focus Statements appear every day in the Manifesting Lab Forum and this webinar explains what they are, how they work to manifest what you want, and how to make them even more powerful for you - and everyone else.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• The lazy way to clean up difficult subjects
• The hybrid approach to overcoming blocks
• Most people try too hard
• This is the toughest stuff in the world
• Avalanche Process: Why avoid certain emotions?
• I ignored everything in the Manifesting Lab
• Use three very different emotions for the Avalanche
• Chasing a quick fix
Do you keep stopping and starting with your vibrational work, never quite managing to reap the rewards of being consistent? This webinar reveals the reasons why that keeps happening, and what you can do about it.
Along the way, you’ll also learn about the Zero-based Question, the Shifting Perspectives Method, and the mysterious Daily Question that magically appears every day in the Manifesting Lab Forum.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• New technique: QED combined with Gridwork
• The last trick of a limiting belief
• No need to fear exceeding 17 seconds of negativity
• Deliberate manifesting comes down to practice
• Focus on the positive or deal with the negative?
• Vibrational ladders vs balancing scales
• If you keep doing it, it will work
• Paraliminals and Galactic Light Codes
Want to transform your life in 12 weeks with hardly any effort? Then you need to watch this webinar right now.
You will learn the three never-fail secrets of turning your “uncertain” deliberate manifesting efforts into solid results. You’ll also be introduced to the Avalanche Process that will guide you steadily towards magnetically attracting your desires.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Any thought can be manifested
• Talking with the inner being
• Worthiness and vibrational work
• Abraham's new emotional preference method
• Do we always have to actively clean stuff up?
• Using generality to create a different manifestation
• Messages in song lyrics
• I do not have the luxury of negative thoughts
Are you feeling overwhelmed with too much to do, and not enough time to do it? This sequel to the Dealing With Overwhelm webinar is the cure.
You will learn a free vibrationally-based time management system that you can immediately use to start bringing your chaotic life under control. You will be able to get things done with the help of universal forces.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• There is no past, present or future
• QED & PPA manifesting quadrants recap
• The many Manifesting Lab tools
• The changing life of JFK
• Star Trek and timeline shifts
• Time compression
• Visionary vs allower
• Introduction to The Inspired Action System
This advanced-level webinar will teach you how to supercharge your Virtual Vortex even further, and add more specific power to your deliberate manifesting.
The Proactive Positive Aspects approach builds on ideas from the Source-Guided Living webinar to improve upon Abraham’s original Positive Aspects method. You’ll also learn how to sell old red cars.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• Miracles feel like normal life
• The predictive power of the eyes
• Using QED to generate a state of being
• Babies and animals
• The hypnotic magnetic stare
• Law of Attraction vs influence techniques
• What manifesting really is
• Source guidance through the physical body
Discover the most effective ways that you can be guided from within as you traverse your daily life.
This webinar introduces you to the Deliberate Manifesting Toolkit which simplifies your understanding of how thought-powered reality creation works, shows you clearly the traps to avoid, and the shortcuts to use. It also leaves you with a convenient easy-to-use manifestation roadmap that you can stick to your forehead.
Topics covered in this Open Hotseat Webinar include:
• How to effectively uplift someone
• Sacrificing your alignment for others
• Using QED to negate negative emotions
• QED and the Virtual Vortex
• Handling MAD partners
• The shortcut trick to identifying limitations
• How secondary fears block your manifestations
• How clusters of limiting beliefs work
This webinar introduces you to the powerful QED Manifesting Method - a deliberate manifesting process that is quick to use and easy to apply.
Along the way, we have a recap of how deliberate manifesting works, an examination of the dynamite magnetism of pure thought, and a miserable person from Ancient Greece.
Trapped in the darkness of your life and can’t see a way out? Then this is a must-watch webinar for you.
This hotseat webinar features a powerful live demonstration of how to take yourself from abject depression to a feeling of complete bliss in a matter of minutes using the Vibrational Knot Disentangler process.
It also shows how to anchor that Vortex state within yourself so that it can be readily activated again at a moment's notice.
Relationships (and that includes friendships) lie at the heart of human life. If you think about it, we actually define who we are in terms of our relations to others.
Understanding relationships and how to resolve problems with them is an immensely tricky topic to unravel. If only there was a magic-wand way to simplify the entire subject and know what to do in every situation...
This webinar gives you such a vibrational “magic wand” and teaches you how to use it effectively.
Can you really live forever, or are you going to die at some fixed time? That was the theme of this longevity-focused hotseat webinar.
We discussed different ideas about physical lifespans, comparing Abraham’s viewpoint that you can live indefinitely in your physical body against The Ninth Dimensional Pleiadian Collective’s view that you have a hard cutoff date ...truly, a battle to the death
What do mood swings have to do with pinball machines? What does life mastership have to do with traffic lights? What does a webinar about the abstract idea of paradox have to do with anything useful at all?
These and other highly important questions are answered here in excruciating detail. And, as a trivial insignificant bonus, you might also learn the secrets of getting the maximum results with the minimum effort in every area of your life through an understanding of ‘hardpoints’.
Learn the secret of infusing positive magnetic vibrations into material objects and artistic creations in order to make them more enticing to others - and thereby naturally transform hard-action marketing into vibrational marketing.
This webinar delves into ideas behind human creativity, its relationship to deliberate manifesting, and gives you a theoretical overview of the new Proactive Positive Aspects process plus some clarifications regarding Jigsaw Receiving
This webinar teaches the powerful and versatile method of Jigsaw Receiving - a way for you to flow insightful information from within yourself, like master channelers do, but without you needing any special vibrational talents.
This knowledge will, among many other things, allow you to build your own personal inner information network, easily plan your days and weeks, discover your natural talents, find out the truth about the daily news, and even create your own Manifesting Lab webinars.
This fast and furious webinar zoomed off with a detailed explanation of Abraham’s Placemat Process, skidded into an investigation of mind-bending Law of Attraction paradoxes, had a quick pitstop-look into how trying to force faster manifestations actually slows them down, and then raced to the finish line with a “simple and easy-to-understand” diagram encompassing the whole of deliberate manifesting that you can comfortably show to all friends and family ...hmmm
Struggling to get the Manifesting Lab methods to work? Then you’ll find this hugely wide-ranging webinar to be full of insights and inspirations to help you fix your deliberate manifesting approach.
This webinar draws on several hundred hours of coaching and teaching experience to pull together some of the most common obstacles that people encounter when systematically applying Law of Attraction techniques.
Waking up planet-wide was the theme of the March 2021 Open Hotseat webinar and clearly the world’s population were still hitting the snooze button since the idea surfaced again in this webinar.
Also covered were clarifications and further insights into The List system, helping others in the most effective way possible, the vibrational causes of disease, and how the Universe goes shopping.
The List System helps you manifest anything you want in life in, arguably, the laziest way possible. The system forms a core part of the Manifesting Lab itself.
This mammoth webinar reveals the “secrets” behind how The List system works, how to make it work even better - and how to trick unsuspecting webinar attendees into giving you lots of money.
Some people find it easy to wake up, some don’t. And we’re not talking about getting out of the bed in the morning but waking up spiritually, which turned out to be the underlying theme in this webinar.
Discussions ranged from the real reason for using manifesting methods to using ‘dark’ processes to manipulate others. There was also a spiritual examination of The Matrix movie and, in unprovoked retribution, the webinar’s screen pen was viciously attacked by Agent Smith...yes, it was definitely all Agent Smith’s fault.
Do you want to manifest your life deliberately in the laziest way possible? Then you might like to try living a 17 Second Life.
You will learn the What, the Why, and the How of living this powerful lifestyle, and why staying good feeling 90% of the time might not be as difficult as you first think.
This webinar was effectively about looking for love in all the wrong places.
Discussed were ideas relating to unconditional love and romantic love, and how people often get the two confused. And, in doing so, those who want romantic relationships can sometimes end up surrendering their personal power to another in an unhealthy addiction-driven way.
This is one of the most important webinars in the Manifesting Lab because it helps you with reliably implementing the other methods that are here.
This webinar discusses powerful and practical techniques for breaking bad habits and neutralizing self-sabotaging addictions, as well as advice on building new empowering behaviors.
This was the first in a new style of hotseat webinar - an “open” hotseat that is shared by all the webinar attendees, where multiple people can ask questions and work through issues in one session.
The webinar featured a powerful demonstration of The 45 Second Method in operation, an explanation of the differences between subliminal recordings and Paraliminal recordings, and also a discussion about squelching natural desires.
Self-sabotage is something that afflicts everyone involved with spiritual ideas at some point. You seem to keep getting in your own way, and you don’t know why.
This webinar delves deeply into the idea of self-sabotage and comes up with a strategy for overcoming it. We touch upon vibrational thermostats, belief-controlled cars, golden paths of joy, and ultimate feeling-good questions.
A month after his previous hotseat, Cory returned for a follow-up discussion. Feeling more positive than last time, he explained what had changed over the previous few weeks, and talked about his passion for flowing the energy of unconditional love to all.
There was also a detailed discussion and demonstration of the 45 second method for clearing bad-feeling emotions.
Learn practical and specific step-by-step approaches for deliberate manifesting in different life situations. This mammoth webinar lasting nearly five hours is packed full of ideas, tips and tricks for discovering what to use and when to use it.
The intriguing and unique aspect of What To Use When is that most of the webinar was a live unprepared co-creation between webinar attendees - and much of the valuable information shared came directly from them.
In this wide-ranging emotional discussion, Cory talked about how 2020 has been the worst year and best year of his life at the same time. He spoke about he felt a prisoner in his home because of virus-related restrictions, and about how he couldn't understand why others were not waking up to what’s going on.
We considered the ups and downs of being vibrationally sensitive during these tumultuous global events, and the session was even interrupted by urgent Covid news.
How long will it take to manifest your stuff? This practical webinar answers that question and provides you with the vibrational tools to shorten the time.
Along the way, you will learn about a dirty little Law of Attraction secret, why the Manifesting Lab itself is a scam, and why you should never answer manifesting questions from dummies.
From sausages to the meaning of life...this meaty hotseat webinar started off with a discussion about whether it was wise to let kids watch a lot of TV, and spiralled into an examination of human suffering and soul agreements.
Along the way, we uncovered the secrets of good parenting and what happens when children are allowed to freely eat whatever they want.
Having trouble meditating? Don’t blame yourself. The popular and seemingly-gentle process of meditation may not be all that it first appears to be.
This upfront webinar tells the truth about meditation, why so many struggle with it, and how to do it properly. It also tells you when you can safely forget all about meditating to manifest what you want, and go do something else instead.
Amoo was worried about a reading from a fortune teller who had told her that she would never be rich. We investigated what lay behind her concerns and resolved it using EFT.
She said that she had also been working almost non-stop for nearly 15 hours per day for more than a month. We discussed this action-based approach to her goals. This webinar also featured an in-depth discussion of The 45 Second Method.
This webinar summarizes and reviews the deliberate manifesting approach being used in the Manifesting Lab.
It will show you the subtle differences between manifesting "big" things (like castles) and "small" things (like buttons).
And this webinar will also teach you how to bring together everything you have learned in the Manifesting Lab up to now in a "super-deliberate" way so that you can steadily manifest whatever you want in life.
Despite volunteering for the hotseat, Lance felt that he didn't have anything to discuss. After two hours of subsequent discussion, he realized that statement wasn't quite true.
The conversation ranged over topics as diverse as meditation techniques, perfectionism with the Virtual Vortex, and even identifying the world's best vibrational teachers
Many across the world are presently living in a constant state of fear, and are being subject to ever-increasing restrictions on their freedom. What are the vibrational reasons for this? Can anything be done about it?
This webinar explains how to improve the situation. And in the process of doing that, you'll learn how to become unhurtable.
Blandroid was enjoying his life but needed to urgently manifest the money to pay his rent. We investigated his underlying beliefs. and uncovered some resistance.
This session features a full and complete demonstration of taking a subtle, yet powerful, emotional block and neutralizing it using multiple rounds of EFT.
Learn how to create supercharged positive emotional alignments that attract incredible physical manifestations on autopilot.
Amoo had been in business for 29 years but now felt she wanted to do something else. She was uncertain about how to move forward, especially with money worries looming.
We examined the Law of Attraction approach to marketing and getting clients. And we uncovered an empowering philosophy of business (and life generally) that eliminates distracting and unhelpful ideas from others.
Learn how to apply the Magical Manifesting Map to systematically manifest your desires using your Virtual Vortex.
This is the third course in the Virtual Vortex series.
Blandroid said he was suffering with having too much energy. He feared that things might go wrong in his life as a result.
In this fast-flowing webinar that covered many different ideas, we delved into what might lie behind his concerns, and eventually came to a surprising conclusion.
Many of the world's top performers and achievers have morning routines. This webinar will inspire you to start, or restart, yours so that you take more control of your vibration, and more deliberately manifest your days.
You will learn a solid framework to supercharge your morning routine that will allow you to achieve your goals in a vibrationally-compatible way.
This advanced-level hotseat webinar covered numerous topics ranging from Abraham's Calibration Process, to the 2020 version of Segment Intending, to generating the emotion of Money-Ease within your Virtual Vortex for drawing wealth effortlessly into your life.
Do you keep giving yourself excuses to avoid doing things, even if you know they are good for you?
Perhaps you can't even force yourself to do them? Maybe you've tried and failed so often that you now feel like giving up altogether? You're not alone - everybody goes through this pain at some time in their lives.
This webinar explains why this happens. And it demonstrates a practical and easy 'idiot-proof' method to regain control of your life. Oh, and this webinar will also help you grow your Virtual Vortex 🙂
Ben was repeatedly finding his Hollywood film projects getting stuck or fizzling out.
We uncovered the resistance in his vibration, and showed how to use Abraham's new Calibration Process to quickly and easily clean it up
This practical webinar shows you how to skyrocket your manifesting skills using a unique private area within your Manifesting Lab account.
Boosted Gridwork is the first stage in building your own personal Virtual Vortex.
Mr Daily was trying to understand the causes that led to the breakdown of his marriage. Along the way, we looked at how to stay in alignment while involved in difficult relationships, and how children are affected by the behavior of those around them.
We also turned our attention to the subject of procrastination, and how to cope if you feel resistance to tasks that you believe you have to do.
Some say that you should think about what you want in great detail to get it. Others say that you should completely let go of what you want to get it. They can't both be right, can they?
This webinar clears up the confusion. And it clearly explains the most powerful and quickest approach to manifesting your desires. And along the way, we play with some SEP Fields, swallow some EEPIM Pills and prepare for some Self Weeks.
Diamond was not seeing his financial abundance manifesting even though he had been consistently applying many of the Manifesting Lab techniques.
We examined his underlying beliefs about money and physical action, and devised a method of approach to overcome the blocks.
Your body is a weak, fragile and vulnerable thing. Diseases could pop out of nowhere at any time to cripple it. You must constantly watch what you eat otherwise your health and fitness levels will crumble.
Everything in that last paragraph is untrue. This webinar explains why. And it introduces you to The Ultimate Eating System which will happily let you eat whatever you want and love it, while maintaining your perfect body and high energy levels.
If dinner dates with serial killers are your thing then you'll certainly want to watch this webinar.
This hotseat with Deborah covered issues as wide-ranging as kids spending too much time watching television, to deciding what to do next when you feel apathetic, to stress at Christmas time, to a discussion of being right vs feeling good...and also insights into happy serial killing 🙂
This is the first hour only of a webinar teaching Virtual Vortex techniques for the paid version of The Brain software.
This webinar snippet is an introduction to the ideas behind the Virtual Vortex. These ideas apply just as much if you are using the free Manifesting Lab software or the paid version of The Brain to implement them.
Understanding the Receptive Mode is the key to understanding Life, The Universe and Everything ...and manifesting too.
In this webinar, we investigate this 'secret', learn how to apply it effectively and finally answer the burning question of what religions have in common with smartphones.
Deborah found herself under extreme pressure in a life situation where the stakes felt high.
We discussed strategies for dealing with high pressure situations and why, perhaps surprisingly, they can be good for you and your understanding of manifesting principles.
When you just can't decide what to do, there's a simple solution. Simply mix together an understanding of garden hosepipes, The Ultimate Decision-Making Tool and some chicken. Then serve it all up with a delicious side dish of segmented intent garnished with a burning bridge.
Confused? You won't be after watching this webinar on decision-making. (I hope)
Viktor was looking for a vibrational way of handling his long-term health problem.
This wide-ranging practical discussion covered areas as diverse as Boosted Gridwork and the Virtual Vortex, to meditation breathing patterns and sleeping with the window open at night.
Limiting beliefs are one of the greatest obstacles to manifesting what you want in life - that's what you've probably been told. But is that really true?
In this twisting and turning webinar, we examine how limiting beliefs manage to trick you into keeping them alive, and the most effective ways to deal with them.
For more about dealing with the tricks of limiting beliefs, watch the D-Beam course.
Maya was finding it easy to manifest "small" things but not "big" things.
We looked into the reasons for this and, along the way, we discussed how to uncover limiting beliefs, the effective use of EFT and the Vibrational Knot Disentangler process, and also how to use The Placemat Process.
What do babies, elephants, chains, pipes and buttons all have in common? ...they're all helpful to your understanding of why you have a need for approval from others.
This webinar investigates where you get your need for approval from, how it affects you, and what to do to deal with it once and for all.
Shakun didn't like her job. At the start of this Hotseat Webinar, she could not think of a single positive thing to say about it.
We worked through a live example of using the Vibrational Nudging spreadsheet in relation to her livelihood, and by the end of the session...well...watch the webinar and you'll see the transformation in vibrational attitude for yourself.
Do you really trust the Universe to manifest what you want?
This webinar examines the reasons that you don't trust, and what part trust plays in manifesting.
It also introduces the idea of the Manifesting Challenges within the Manifesting Lab Forum that will help you to build trust.
Hester was feeling uncomfortable about starting a new project but didn't know why.
As we looked below the surface of what was going on, we unblocked some long-standing issues.
A powerful and practical manifesting session, including a live EFT demonstration.
This webinar will teach you (obviously) how to control uncontrollable thoughts.
But along the way, you'll discover that there's an entire industry based around making you "out of control" and you'll learn how it works. You'll also be shown the Ultimate Soothing Thought that will make you feel better whenever you think it.
And even more than that, you'll learn how to win boxing matches when fighting against frail elderly ladies with walking sticks.
Deborah needed to manifest money urgently for a credit card payment.
We discussed the underlying causes of the situation and came up with a vibrational plan to deal with it.
This webinar reveals how to vibrationally soothe the monster of 'Overwhelm' that pervades so many people's lives these days.
Learn how to create more physical time out of "infinite time" thanks to the power of Moment Buckets. And discover a task list system that helps you make all these ideas work easily and effortlessly.
Nikulas was having issues with morality - good vs evil, right vs wrong - after an emotionally painful incident happened in his life.
The discussion ranged from judging others to embracing one's own personal power, ending with an explanation of Abraham's five steps of reality creation and how the Manifesting Lab fits in.
This webinar is all about the incredible power hidden away in neutral points.
Understanding this is one of the keys to mastering deliberate manifesting...and winning in casinos 🙂
The Deliberate Day process is a "competent-level" process to make your days go more smoothly and bring you more of what you want with just a few minutes of easy daily focus.
The process was originally intended to have its own video in the Manifesting Lab courses library but this Hotseat Webinar interaction manifested a complete and (hopefully) clear explanation of it, what it does for you, and how/why it works.
How to get things in a hurry or when under pressure, and how to deal with deadline pressures.
Learn to play the ultimate "deadline manifesting" game
Cod2 felt that he wasn't seeing much progress even after months of consistent vibrational work.
We examined his morning routine in detail and eventually decided that he should help himself to a serving of Inspired Action Chicken 🙂
Living forever in your existing physical body is quite possible from a vibrational point of view.
In this webinar, we investigate some of the requirements in order to achieve physical immortality, the things that might get in the way, and that leads us into an exploration of The Ultimate Flowing Method.
Cory wanted to understand why, for the past 20 years, he has had occasional thoughts of suicide.
The discussion ranged from mood swings and joyful death, to quitting while you're ahead with gridwork.
Includes a practical EFT tapping session.
Money is not what you think it is.
This webinar explores ideas about money, prosperity and abundance and suggests a 'Prosperity Plan' for you to attract wealth into your life.
Raja found himself living a Groundhog Day experience with his current reality remaining steadily the same day after day, year after year.
He wanted to know what he could do to escape from the rut.
Tips, tricks and techniques for dealing with 'low vibration' people in your reality that you feel are dragging you down.
Alice's hotseat session covered numerous subjects including emotional sensitivity, dealing with worry, the best times to do vibrational routines, keeping a clear head, gridwork...and more
This was a members' webinar dealing with tips, tricks and ideas to overcome limiting beliefs, and even how to avoid them altogether.
Nikulas had been doing well for a few months with feeling good and receiving manifestations.
But now he was finding things very difficult. After some investigation, we discovered the likely cause...
This was a members' webinar (hosted by Stingray) dealing with tips, tricks and ideas to reduce the effect of current-reality focus so that new future realities can manifest more easily.
This was an open-to-the-public Q&A webinar (hosted by Stingray) covering general issues and problems about practical manifesting and the Law of Attraction.
Learn how mastering the art of Vibrational Gardening is the key to introducing stability and structure into your deliberate manifesting.
After completing this course, you'll be much clearer on how to streamline your life for best results.
Ever wondered if you can influence and change the people in the world around you?
This course starts with doing that to single individuals and eventually to entire regions of the planet. Along the way, you'll learn how to heal others at a distance.
Throw away those time management systems that promise to save you a bit of time each week.
This course will show you how to manifest many hours of free time every day - and feel great doing it.
Did you know that you are just 30 days away from developing the skill of feeling good effortlessly every single day for the rest of your life?
This course explains why this is, and how to do it.
The Ultimate Manifesting Framework is literally the ultimate manifesting framework.
These lessons take you steadily step by step from being a complete beginner in deliberate manifesting to master level.
This is the advanced level of the Ultimate Manifesting Framework.
You must have completed the Basic Level of The Ultimate Manifesting Framework before starting this course.
The Excitement Override Cycle might sound like a new kind of bike but it's actually a vitally important concept for every deliberate manifester to understand.
Not understanding clearly how this cycle operates in your life can lead to disaster.