The Different Types of Urgency Campaigns You Can Create
By Stingray
About Before You Get Started…

An optional webinar to watch before you begin your journey into the Ultimate Manifesting Framework

Do You Want To See The Big Picture First?

Welcome to the Ultimate Manifesting Framework course!

...actually, that's not strictly true đŸ™‚

...the next lesson is actually the beginning of the course.

This lesson is an optional one. We'll explain below why it's optional and why you may still want to try it out...

The Ultimate Manifesting Framework can (and does) create manifesting "miracles".

But, especially if you are a newcomer to these ideas, we have found that it can be overwhelming...perhaps even confusing.

With all the many lessons and methods in this manifesting framework, it can be easy to lose track of what you will gain from learning may lose sight of the big picture of what you will achieve from studying it.

You may even fail to understand how all the different parts of it fit together to produce incredible manifestations in your physical reality just through focusing your thoughts.

Starting At The End!?

Because of that potential for confusion, you may want to try something unusual before beginning your lessons...and that's to begin this course by watching a webinar that you probably won't understand!

In fact, you may not even have the slightest idea about what is being talked about during this webinar - but that's fine.

By watching this advanced-level webinar that reviews the Ultimate Manifesting Framework, your mind will be primed at an unconscious level for the ideas that are to come. 

Even though consciously you may not understand any of it, at a deeper level you will be absorbing a high-level understanding of how everything in the Manifesting Lab fits together.

So our suggestion before starting this course (which starts in the next lesson) is to spend a couple of hours watching this advanced-level webinar and just let it "wash over you". (If time is short, you can probably get away with watching just the first 35 minutes)

When you then come to study the Ultimate Manifesting Framework in detail, you'll at least recognize some of the words, phrases, and ideas that were mentioned in this overview webinar and have a broad idea of how they all link up.

Our suggestion to do this is optional, of's your choice. You may be strongly against watching a webinar that you may not understand at that case, just move to the next lesson.

On the other hand, if you want to go along with our suggestion for preparing your unconscious mind, you can watch the Manifesting Castles vs Buttons webinar here

After you've watched it, you can come back to this page and then move to the next lesson.

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